Lord of The Flies Response

The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.  Once there was this and that, and now--and the ship had gone. [... Jack refusing to give Piggy the floor when he has the conch...]
"The rules!" shouted Ralph.  "You're breaking the rules!"
"Who cares?"
Ralph summoned his wits.
"Because the rules are the only thing we've got!"
But Jack was shouting against him.
"Bollocks to the rules!  We're strong--we hunt!  If there's a beast, we'll hunt it down!  We'll close in and beat and beat and beat--!" (91)

The beginning of the passage shows us a world of order and safety is becoming a distant memory. Nobody really follows the rules or cares what they say anymore. All the boys what to do is have fun and kill things. Only Ralph, Piggy, Sam, and Eric follow the rules anymore. All the other boys do as Jack says and his view is the only thing that matters is fun and having a good time. 


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