Research Update

My topic is the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict. It is interesting because it is still a major problem today. It is believed to be the leading cause of conflict and terrorism in the world today and for the past 50 years. To this day there is not a solution and there hasn't even been negotiations in the past decade.

In a really basic way, Palestine and Israel are located in the same area, but Israel came much later so when Britain declared Israel a nation they took land away from Palestine to do it. Palestine wants the land back, but the Jewish population of Israel (which is the majority by far because Israel is the Jewish homeland) naturally wants to be citizens of Israel, not Palestine. That is a very basic and brief explanation, but in reality, the conflict is very complicated and hard to understand.


  1. This is definitely an important topic to write about. Also, since the conflict persists today, this would make an excellent paper for National History Day!


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