
Showing posts from October, 2017

Week 2 Comments

Bronwyn- 7 Things... Fox- What is Your Life Goal and How Do You Plan to Achieve it?

What vacations do you want to take and why?

Personally, I would love to go to the Siberian Forest in Russia and go moose hunting when I'm older. However sooner and more realistically I would love to go scuba diving on a coral reef because I feel like it would be so beautiful and I could see all kinds of cool marine life. Those are vacations I want to take by myself, however, there are some I would like to take with my family. Something my family has always wanted to do was rent an RV and drive to Yellowstone and stop at cool places on the way there and back. This would be interesting because my family would be trapped on a bus together for about 8 hours a day. I don't know if me and or my brothers could handle that, let alone my parents.

Human Nature

I believe that humans naturally care for one another. It is one of our basic needs to be loved, so naturally, we want to love others. All humans are fundamental loving, even the psychotic love something or someone. One classic example is when the bad guy is about to do something drastic and gets talked down by his/her lover or partner. I have been lead to these beliefs due to personal experiences and things I have learned from people. After being around people for so long you begin to notice patterns. One of the patterns I noticed is that people need to be loved and the feel the need to love. Infant cries without their mother, a child gets homesick, an adult gets lonely. Everyone needs to be loved and love someone or something.

Comments Week 8

Fox- Free Post Addi- Sign Language

Free Post

     This fall break I went hunting with my dad and my grandfather. It is a family tradition that we go hunting the opening weekend of squirrel season. We normally do not get much, but we get to hang out with our family and it is a lot of fun. This time when we went my great grandmother asked us to bring back one squirrel and one rabbit. Well before we even left the gate to get to the woods we killed a rabbit. However, while we were in the woods we did not see anything due to the fact the woods have been hunted for 100 years.       One the way back we decided to walk the tree line and we saw one squirrel, however, we heard a lot more. When I saw the squirrel I obviously shot it but since I was only using a 410 it did not fall out of the tree when I shot it. So my dad shot it again with a 12 gauge then it fell out the tree and we went back to the house. When we got there my grandfather had already skinned the rabbit so we went straight away to skinni...

Reading Response

     This week I will be responding too A&P. A&P is a story about a boy who works at a grocery store called A&P. One day in this store a group of girls comes in in their swimsuits and they cause a commotion. This story's main character was a 19-year-old boy named Sammy. He worked at A&P because he needed to help support his parents. This story showed me a lot about Sammy's character and what he believes in.      This story showed me that Sammy is very impulsive. This story also not only hinted that Sammy was impulsive and that he stood up for what he thought was right it showed me. The writer used a lot of descriptive words and described everything in the story very indirectly. The writer showed the reader the setting over the course of the whole story. The writer was very descriptive of Sammy even in times when they did not really need to be.

Week 7 Blog Comments

Fox-Short Story Tristen-The Fall

Flash Story 10/2

It was a grand day to be outside it was cloudy so it would stay cool and the grass was freshly mown. They had played and played all day yesterday and were ready to do it again, but as they were heading outside to start another great day full of fun. There was a flash followed by a loud crash, then the sound of raindrops hitting the roof and sliding down the windows. Then as quickly as it had appeared the children’s excitement was gone. Each of the children thought it was going to be a grand day, but now they were stuck inside on a summer Sunday.

Reading Response

Harrison Bergeron is a futuristic dystopian society in the United States story in which everyone is equal to each other. They are equal to each other through handicaps if someone is strong they have to wear sacks of lead to restrain them. In the story one boy stands out and fights the government, protesting the handicaps. Harrison Bergeron is a very exaggerated version of equality, but it raises the question, “Do we really want true equality?” Do we want to live in a society where everyone is only as good as the worst? Where no one is smarter, faster, or stronger. I think this is something we should try and avoid. We need variety in our lives or they become painstakingly boring.