Reading Response

     This week I will be responding too A&P. A&P is a story about a boy who works at a grocery store called A&P. One day in this store a group of girls comes in in their swimsuits and they cause a commotion. This story's main character was a 19-year-old boy named Sammy. He worked at A&P because he needed to help support his parents. This story showed me a lot about Sammy's character and what he believes in.

     This story showed me that Sammy is very impulsive. This story also not only hinted that Sammy was impulsive and that he stood up for what he thought was right it showed me. The writer used a lot of descriptive words and described everything in the story very indirectly. The writer showed the reader the setting over the course of the whole story. The writer was very descriptive of Sammy even in times when they did not really need to be.


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