Dear 12 Year Old

     Dear 12 year old,

            Listen to your parents you may think you know everything and are perfectly capable of living on your own and being independent. You don't you need to listen to your parents they have the experience and are wisdom to get you through just about any situation that can happen. They may aggravate you and constantly nag you, but they do it because they love you. Sometimes you may just want to tell them no because you think you know better, but you can't do that because in reality they know way more than you. They don't know more than you because they are finished with school, they know more than you because of the experiences they have had. 

     I have found that if there is a problem that I don't know how to solve weather it be math homework or a social problem, the best solution is to go ask a parent. They can answer almost any question you will have because they have experienced all that you have and more. Don't say that they don't understand because their experience is irrelevant because they experienced it when they were kids it is still relevant people don't change that quick. I know this advice is very cliche but it really is true. Just ask a parent and you can solve most of your problems and if they can't solve them they will get someone who can because they love you.

 The hardest job anyone will ever love is being a parent.

              A 14 year old


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